Monitoring Scheme for Safety Hazard Status of Urban Rail Transit Operation Equipment and Facilities Based on Blockchain Technology
rail transit, equipment and facilities, safety hazard status, blockchain, status monitoringAbstract
Urban rail transit plays a very important role in cities’ social and economic development. To ensure the safe and stable operation of urban rail transit operation equipment and facilities, it is necessary to monitor a large number of safety hazard statuses and data and improve the over-centralisation of traditional monitoring. This paper designs a scheme for storing, validating and monitoring the safety hazard status of urban rail transit operation equipment and facilities based on blockchain technology. The safety hazards of equipment and facilities during the operation stage of urban rail transit are listed using the literature analysis method and the case study method. The European RAMS (reliability, availability, maintainability and safety) standard method is used to determine the safety hazard status of equipment and facilities by availability index. Based on the features of the consensus mechanism, smart contract and other features of blockchain technology, this paper designs an overall scheme for storing, verifying and monitoring the safety hazard status of equipment and facilities. This scheme provides a practical operation method for evaluating the safety hazard status of rail transit equipment and facilities, which is conducive to the safety rectification of the entire urban rail transit.
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