Analysis and Adjustment of Vehicle Trajectories in the Entrance Area of Freeway Tunnels: from the Perspective of Visual Guiding System
tunnel entrance zone, traffic safety, visual guiding, driving behaviour, vehicle trajectoryAbstract
This study aims to quantitatively assess the adjustment effects of various visual guiding schemes on the abrupt change of vehicle trajectory. A driving simulation experiment was conducted using five simulated scenes: (1) baseline (actual situation), (2) pavement (road studs), (3) low position (flexible guideposts), (4) high position (warning alignment signs and retroreflective arches) and (5) multilayer (combination of all devices). Raw data, including vehicle positions, steering wheel angles and lateral offset, were collected. Based on these data, the gradual change degree of vehicle trajectory (G) and average steering wheel angle (SWAav) were computed to quantitatively evaluate the extent of vehicle trajectory deviation and the stability of steering wheel operations respectively. These two evaluation indicators were then translated into trajectory gradualness (TG) and operation stability (OS), respectively, to assess the adjustment effects of different visual guiding schemes. The study results demonstrate that road studs perform a certain degree of enhancement on operation stability (OS). Flexible guideposts exhibit the best effects on operation stability (OS). Additionally, the combination of warning alignment signs and retroreflective arches demonstrate the best regulation of trajectory gradualness (TG). Multilayer visual guiding system achieves the optimal trajectory gradualness (TG) and operation stability (OS).
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