Risk Analysis of Level Crossing Element Failures in a Fuzzy Environment
level crossing, risk analysis, failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), fuzzy approach, TOPSISAbstract
The concept of risk analysis is especially important because it examines and analyses in a detailed manner the factors that affect the normal functioning of a system. In this paper, the level crossing is considered as one system, composed of several elements. The failures of those elements were analysed with the aim of showing which are the most frequent and most critical failures. A multi-methodological approach was used in the analysis. The failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) method was used to determine risk factors, after that a multi-criteria model was created in a fuzzy environment, and as output, it gave a ranking list of critical failures in the system. Through the discussion of the results, a comparison of the basic model with two other similar ones was made, and the comparative results were analysed. The main aim of this paper is to present one of the possible ways to analyse the risk of the system of level crossings with the aim of improving traffic safety at the crossing.
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