Two-Echelon Location-Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demand of Rural E-Commerce Logistics


  • Xiaojuan LU Chang’an University, School of Transportation Engineering
  • Jianjun WANG Chang’an University, School of Transportation Engineering
  • Shuai WU Chang’an University, School of Transportation Engineering
  • Shiyu ZHENG Chang’an University, School of Transportation Engineering
  • Qian LIU Chang’an University, School of Transportation Engineering



two-echelon location-routing problem, fuzzy demand, k-means clustering, improved NSGA-II, rural e-commerce logistics


To promote the green and high-quality development of rural e-commerce logistics, we propose the Two-Echelon Location-Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demand (2E-LRP-FD) of the rural e-commerce logistics network. Considering fuzzy demand, government subsidies and simultaneous delivery, the objective function aims to maximise the profit of enterprises considering government subsidies. The fuzzy chance-constrained programming method is used to deal with the triangular fuzzy variables of pickup demands. Additionally, we present a two-stage Improved Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (INSGA-II) that integrates stochastic simulation and a K-means clustering algorithm to effectively solve the problem. In the end, the numerical experiments of algorithm and model design are verified. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed INSGA-II is significantly efficient and effective. Furthermore, we discuss the relationship between subsidy strategies and logistics enterprise profits. This research contributes valuable insights for the establishment of rural e-commerce logistics systems.


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How to Cite

LU, X., WANG, J., WU, S., ZHENG, S., & LIU, Q. (2025). Two-Echelon Location-Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demand of Rural E-Commerce Logistics. Promet - Traffic&Transportation, 37(1), 86–104.


