A Review of Expert Systems Integration in Signal Plan Optimisation
urban traffic management, automatic licence plate recognition, computational intelligence, prediction of vehicle trajectories, microsimulation toolsAbstract
In urban networks, periodic peak traffic congestion often occurs during the day, namely in the morning and afternoon hours. Due to spatial constraints and the inability to increase capacity through physical road expansion, modern traffic management increasingly relies on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solutions. One such solution is the integration of automatic licence plate recognition, an expert system and microsimulation tools aimed at optimising the network performance of signalised intersections within a network. Based on real-time and historical data on individual vehicle trajectories, the system predicts the route of each vehicle through the observed segment of the traffic network, determines the network load and proposes optimal signal plans. This paper provides an overview of conducted research related to the optimisation of signal plans utilising expert systems. Mathematical models for capacity and load determination, as well as computational intelligence-based systems used for signalised intersection management strategies, are described. Finally, the paper proposes a basic framework and guidelines related to the suggested system, highlighting open questions and potential challenges in its development.
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