Wireless Channel Propagation Model for Inland Waterway Bridge Scenario
ship-to-ship, wireless communication, inland waterway, wireless channel property, wireless channel modelingAbstract
Intelligent shipping is a crucial part of the transportation system, while inland river intelligent shipping is a major safeguard of intelligent transportation. Compared with the studies of mobile fading channels in land-based environments, less current research has focused on channel measurements and modeling for inland waterway bridge environments. In this paper, a segmenting radio channel model is proposed for inland highway and railway combined bridges. The ship's path under the bridge was divided into three phases, and the attenuation of signal strength was modelled separately for each. Hence, it shows ship-to-ship wireless channels in different areas and path loss on inland navigation bridges. A segmented model, instead of a basic path loss model, can accurately forecast path loss and provide a practical approach in ship-to-ship wireless channel transmission scenarios over bridges. Consequently, the channel measurements and modeling in the typical inland waterway are of great significance for establishing a reliable inland navigation broadband radio communication system.
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