Analysis of the Effect of Tunnel Safety Measures on Vehicle Speed Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process
highway tunnel, safety measures, subjective feelings, social survey methods, analytic hierarchy processAbstract
The highway tunnel plays a critical role in highway traffic flow, yet its sections are particularly susceptible to traffic accidents. The research shows that the safety measures in the tunnel have a certain effect on improving the safety in the tunnel, but there is a lack of evaluation methods for the use effect of safety measures in the tunnel. To study the application effect of safety measures in tunnels (mainly strobe lights and information boards), this paper takes the driver’s subjective feelings and vehicle speed changes as indicators to evaluate the application effect of safety facilities. The Xingshuliang Tunnel in Shaanxi Province, which has been operated and meets the test standards, is used as the test site, and the driver between the Yaozhou and Huangling sections is randomly selected as the test object for data collection. Subjective feelings are mainly obtained by social survey methods to obtain data samples, and the driving speed is collected by NC2000, non-contact five-wheel instrument, video recorder and other equipment. The statistical analysis method is used to study the driving speed of each section inside and outside the tunnel and the driver’s response. According to the changing trend of speed, the weight of each test section is calculated by the combination of analytic hierarchy process and quantitative statistical method, and the comprehensive influence degree of safety measures is evaluated. The results show that both the strobe light and the information board induce the driver to reduce the driving speed by 3.1%, which can effectively reduce the driving speed. The strobe light mainly acts on the tunnel entrance and the inside of the tunnel, with a maximum influence range of 205 m. The information board has the greatest effect at the tunnel entrance, with a maximum influence range of 200 m. The above results provide a useful reference for the arrangement of safety measures and put forward the arrangement method of tunnel safety measures in combination with the conclusion, to help improve the safety of the driving environment in the tunnel.
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