Passenger Satisfaction Analysis of an Urban Subway Based on Travel Behaviour Characteristics
fuzzy synthetic evaluation, chi-square test, passenger satisfaction, travel behaviour characteristics, subwayAbstract
The study explores the relationship between subway passenger satisfaction and passenger travel behaviour characteristics from the perspective of subway passengers. This study takes Qingdao as an example and designs a questionnaire that includes the basic personal information and travel behaviour characteristics of passengers and evaluates their subway satisfaction. A total of 6340 valid questionnaires were obtained through the combination of online surveys and on-site random surveys. By using the fuzzy synthetic evaluation, the overall score of passenger satisfaction with the Qingdao subway is determined. According to the relationship between passenger satisfaction and travel behaviour characteristics, the chi-square test is used to select the correlation variables group. The results show that there is no significant correlation among the satisfaction of subway passengers, the main means of transportation and the availability of private cars; the frequency of taking the subway is related to the satisfaction of subway passengers; and the purpose of travelling and the reasons for choosing the subway are significantly related to the satisfaction of subway passengers. Finally, based on the analysis of the differences in satisfaction under different conditions, some suggestions were proposed to improve the satisfaction of subway passengers.
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