An Event-Based Simulation Modelling for Evaluating the Operating Practice of the West Midlands Metro


  • Prachiti SHINDE Aston University
  • Marin MARINOV Aston University



metro system evaluation, simulation modelling, utilisation analysis, scenarios


The rapid expansion of the metro network, driven by urbanisation and a heightened focus on environmental sustainability, underscores the need for efficient and sustainable public transportation systems. This study utilises the West Midlands Metro system as a case study to investigate operational efficiency and utilisation challenges that are common across metro networks globally. Employing advanced simulation modelling with SIMUL8, this research evaluates the existing timetables and utilisation rates of the West Midlands Metro to uncover inefficiencies and untapped potential. Various scenarios, including increased service frequencies and disruptions at high-traffic stations, were simulated to provide actionable insights for optimising metro operations. Findings revealed that increasing service frequency from every 10 minutes to every 5 minutes enhanced utilisation levels and boosted the total number of completed services. Meanwhile, disruptions at major stops resulted in a reduction in utilisation in a negligible range. These results demonstrate that improved service frequency significantly bolsters operational efficiency and showcases resilience to disruptions with minimal impact on overall performance. As to future research, the study suggests that implementing adaptive scheduling through AI-driven maintenance and infrastructure improvements can further elevate the efficiency and passenger experience of metro operations.


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How to Cite

SHINDE, P., & MARINOV, M. (2025). An Event-Based Simulation Modelling for Evaluating the Operating Practice of the West Midlands Metro. Promet - Traffic&Transportation, 37(2), 301–320.


