Establishment and Application of Passenger Flow Safety Management Evaluation Model with Entropy Weight and TOPSIS for Metro Stations
metro station, passenger flow, safety, entropy weight, TOPSIS, evaluation modelAbstract
As a critical component of urban transportation, metro systems demand rigorous passenger flow safety management. This study proposes a comprehensive decision-making analysis method for metro station passenger flow safety management by integrating the entropy weight and TOPSIS methods. It aims to develop an evaluation model that accurately assesses and ranks the safety management practices of metro stations. To achieve this, 17 indicators related to station scale, safety management equipment, safety or security measures, investment in safety management and the effects of passenger flow management are selected to form an evaluation indicator system. The entropy weight method is employed to allocate weights to these indicators, reflecting their interrelatedness and importance. Subsequently, the TOPSIS method is used to establish a decision model that calculates the closeness of each station’s management practice to an optimal plan, allowing for the ranking of different stations’ safety management practices. The algorithms are developed and optimised using MATLAB, enabling efficient calculation and analysis. A case study involving real metro stations is conducted to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed evaluation method. The results demonstrate that this model provides an accurate assessment of metro station passenger safety management and offers decision-makers clear directions for improvement.
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