Evaluating Barriers and Enablers of Willingness-To-Work as a Crowdshipper – A Comparison of Business-To-Business and Business-To-Customer Models from a Slovenian Perspective
last-mile delivery, crowdshipper, willingness-to-work, barriers, enablers, business-to-business/customerAbstract
Crowdshipping has garnered increasing interest due to its potential benefits for various stakeholders. However, despite challenges in attracting crowdshippers, limited research explores their preferences, including socio-demographic factors and the practical challenges providers face when testing or implementing crowdshipping. This study aims to identify key factors influencing willingness-to-work (WTW) among potential crowdshippers, both in general and within business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) contexts. Based on the literature review, this paper identifies 19 barriers influencing WTW and develops 22 corresponding enablers to address these barriers. Using a survey of 432 participants from Slovenia, the overall significance of these factors without differentiating business models was first assessed. Then, chi-squared automatic interaction detection analysis was applied to predict WTW in B2B and B2C contexts, identifying variations across these models. The disclosure of a mobile number emerged as the most influential predictor in both settings. Other notable differences in enablers and barriers were observed depending on the business model. These findings emphasise the need to consider business models in future preference analyses and provide a foundation for targeted recruitment strategies for crowdshippers.
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