Dissipative Structure Properties of Traffic Flow in Expressway Weaving Areas
urban expressway, dissipative structure, weaving area, length of weaving area, weaving flow ratio, congestion durationAbstract
Expressway weaving areas meet dissipative structure characteristics. When traffic states reach a certain range, they exhibit self-organising criticality, and slight changes may trigger unpredictable congestion. This paper examines the correlation between the dissipative structure of the weaving area and key traffic parameters. The range of dissipative structure states in the weaving area is defined through the dissipative structure concept with three-phase traffic flow theory and real traffic data. Based on the fundamental diagram and measured traffic data, the weaving area dissipative structure model characterising the relationship between critical state changes in traffic volume is constructed and validated. Finally, the Cell Transmission Model simulation was used to examine the characteristic relationship between the weaving area dissipative structure state duration, the weaving area length and the weaving flow ratio. The results show that the length of the dissipative structure state is maintained when the traffic flow is self-organised into a free-flow or a congested state positively correlates with the length of the weaving area. Higher weaving flow ratios lead to shorter dissipative structure state durations during congestion formation, and the exact opposite during congestion evacuation. This paper is important for analysing the congestion mechanism and managing congestion.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Weihua ZHANG, Lijun XIONG, Qingtong JI, Huiwen LIU, Fan ZHANG, Huiting CHEN

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