Capped Robust Optimal Control Method to Improve Tram Operation Reliability Considering Random Number of Passengers at Station Serving Multiple Lines
tram control, robust optimal, operational reliability, public transitAbstract
Tram signal priority control is a crucial approach for enhancing the reliability of tram operations and has been implemented in various cities. Nevertheless, unpredictable tram operations influenced by tram dwell time during station stops can cause signal priority control failure at intersections. It is challenging to precisely predict tram dwell time at stations that offer multiple lines. To address this issue, the proposed research presents a capped robust optimal control (CRC) technique for tram signal priority. This method entails considering the stochastic number of passengers boarding and alighting at stations with multiple lines. Furthermore, tram delay calculation models at intersections are established and integrated into an objective function. The main objective of this strategy is to enhance tram operation reliability and maximise tram operation efficiency while reducing the adverse impact of tram priority on other vehicles at the intersection. A case study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the CRC method. The results indicate that the CRC technique significantly improves tram operation reliability and efficiency.
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