An Alternative Optimal Design of Dynamic Straight-Right Lane Control for T-Shaped Intersections
T-shaped intersections, dynamic control, cellular automata, traffic optimisationAbstract
A novel control method called dynamic straight-right lane (DSRL) control design is proposed for signalised intersections. This design aims to utilise the resources of the right-turn lane to increase the capacity for straight-through traffic while minimising the impact on right-turn vehicles. In this paper, an alternative approach to DSRL control design for T-shaped intersections is proposed. By redesigning the spatial and temporal allocation at the entrance, this design ensures the safety of lane change manoeuvres and reduces the design threshold for T-shaped intersections. To facilitate the implementation of the DSRL control design, a cellular automata model is constructed. Additionally, a case study is conducted, leading to the identification of the optimal design parameters for DSRL control. The proposed DSRL control design is compared with two conventional control designs, namely dedicated right-turn lane control design and static straight-right lane control design, in various geometric and traffic demand scenarios. The findings reveal that the T-shaped intersection, when equipped with a dedicated right-turn lane control design, can achieve a maximum delay optimisation rate of 91% by adopting the DSRL control design. Similarly, the T-shaped intersection, with a static straight-right lane control design, can attain a maximum delay optimisation rate of 84% when employing the DSRL control design.
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